Gentoo VDR own patches

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[edit] General

The vdr ebuilds can never be feature-complete and include every patch available somewhere. Because of this fact the possibility to include own patches into VDR was created.

[edit] Enable

To enable this function one simply creates an the empty directory PATCHDIR somewhere - clearly PATCHDIR has to be replaced by a real directory name.

mkdir -p PATCHDIR

The we tell the ebuild in /etc/make.conf where this directory is located.


[edit] Example

For PATCHDIR=/usr/src/vdr-patches it looks like this:

mkdir -p /usr/src/vdr-patches

and in /etc/make.conf


[edit] Putting patches there

Inside PATCHDIR one creates a subdirectory which is named after the, to be patched, version of VDR. For vdr-VDR_VERSION:


In this directory the patches are stored. Their name has to have the prefix .diff or .patch.

[edit] emergeing VDR

If all goes well it works and gives this output with these patches in PATCHDIR/VDR_VERSION

mypatch.diff testing-special.diff

at the next time emerging vdr (here vdr-1.3.36):

>>> Unpacking vdr-1.3.36.tar.bz2 to /var/tmp/portage/vdr-1.3.36/work
>>> Unpacking vdr-1.3.36-enAIO-2.7.diff.gz to /var/tmp/portage/vdr-1.3.36/work
 * Changing pathes for gentoo ...                                        [ ok ]
 * Applying vdr-1.3.34-shutdown-retry.diff ...                           [ ok ]
 * Applying vdr-1.3.36-enAIO-2.7.diff ...                                [ ok ]
 * Applying vdr-1.3.36-SourceCaps.patch ...                              [ ok ]

 * Applying local patches
 * Applying mypatch.diff ...                                             [ ok ]
 * Applying testing-special.diff ...                                     [ ok ]
>>> Source unpacked.

[edit] Warning

With this posibility to include own patches one has naturally the same problems, the ebuild-makers have. It will never be possible to get all patches playing together nice that they all are applicable.

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