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Burn DVDs from recordings
Developer: Sascha Volkenandt,
Ralf Mueller
Category: Plugins
Website: http://www.xeatre.tv/community/burn

The burn plugin lets you choose the recordings you want to burn as DVD, automatically creates menus and finally burns the DVD. If the recordings are to big in size, they are requantizised to save space.


[edit] Hardware requirements

  • DVD writer

[edit] Software requirements

  • vdrsync.pl
  • Requant
  • tcmplex (transcode)
  • Imlib2
  • dvdauthor
  • dvd+rwtools
  • mjpegtools
  • ImageMagick

[edit] Installation

See plugin installation.

Copy the burnmark script into the $PATH

cp burn/burnmark.sh /usr/bin

Copy the font file and menu image templates to the plugins configuration directory /etc/vdr/plugins/burn

cp -r burn/burn /etc/vdr/plugins/

[edit] Options

Option Description
DDVDDEV=/dev/dvd use DEV as DVD Writer (= Parameter -D --dvd=DEV)
ISODIR=/video use DIR to store ISO images (= Parameter -i DIR --iso=DIR)
DEBUG=1 Enable Debuging

[edit] Configuration

Add the following entry to your reccmds.conf

Mark for DVD-Writer: /usr/bin/burnmark.sh -add
Delete Mark        : /usr/bin/burnmark.sh -del

[edit] Parameter

Parameter (short) Parameter (long) Description
-d DIR --datadir=DIR use DIR for temporary files (default: /dev/dvd)
-D DEV --dvd=DEV use DEV as DVD Writer (default /dev/dvd)
-i DIR --iso=DIR use DIR to store ISO images (default: none)

[edit] Problems

  • No transcoding (Videos must be DVD compliant)
  • Display problems with VDR >= 1.3.7

[edit] Links

[1] http://www.xeatre.tv/community/burn Plugin homepage
[2] http://vdr.unetz.com/download Enhanced version
[3] http://vdrsync.vdr-portal.de vdrsync.pl
[4] http://metakine.com/files requant
[5] http://zebra.fh-weingarten.de/~transcode transcode
[6] http://enlightenment.org/pages/imlib2.html imlib2
[7] http://dvdauthor.sourceforge.net dvdauthor
[8] http://fy.chalmers.se/~appro/linux/DVD+RW dvd+rwtools
[9] http://mjpeg.sourceforge.net mjpegtools
[10] http://www.imagemagick.org ImageMagick
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