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[edit] Description

Enables the LCD display of the Activy300 boxes from Siemens and allows navigation in the VDR menu where oversized lines are scrolled. It also shows a progress bar while replaying media.

The frontpanel buttons of the Activy are also supported. Some additional keypresses are realized by pressing more than one button at once.

[edit] Usage

Key Function
Up Up
Down Down
Left Left
Right Right
Ok Ok
Left/Right Menu
Up/Down Red
Up/Right Blue
Left/Down Eject CDROM
"Power" and short after "ok" Shutdown

[edit] Hardware requirements

  • Activy 300 Media Center from Fujitsu Siemens

[edit] Software requirements

  • none

[edit] Installation

See plugin installation

[edit] Problems

  • Display "hangs" randomly during heavy channel switching with the Activy300 remote control or keyboard. LIRC remote controls seem to work.
  • Plugin does also run on "newer" Activys 320/350 but may not on Activy 2xx.

[edit] Links

[1] Plugin homepage
[2] newer Versions of this Plugin can be found in the Downloads Section
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