Yadd mini Howto

What is a Yadd?

A Yadd is a Binary distribution of the Linux@dbox2 software.
It contains all the files you need to run linux on your dbox2, but it will be executet from the harddisc of your PC, not written to flash-memory.
This way you can easy test new versions of the software, or try own changes.
Yadds are available e.g. from Dboxupadate.
Current Yadss are availible from Remote-Admin.


The Yadd archive must be unpacked with the Untar-Utils.
It is not possible to unpack it with Winzip or such tools, they do not unpack the contained Symlinks.

Unpack it with the following commands:
gunzip * gz [ Return ]
tar xvf * tar [ Return ]
Now the archive is unpacked and you can move it to C:\Yadd, for example.
Adjust the Dbox2-Bootmanager:

BootP/TFTP-Server starten:ON
Bootfile für Dbox: yadd/tftpboot/ppcboot
NFS-Server starten: ON
Root-Verzeichnis: yadd/cdkroot
Com-Port: ON (optional)
Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit: 9600

Then copy the ucodes to Yadd/cdkroot/var/tuxbox/ucodes

Now press Start and Start your Dbox.
The Dbox2 should now start from your harddisk.



Further assistance

For problems you can visit the forum.
Or visit the IRC Channel # dbox2. As server you can use irc.freenet.de or another server from icrnet.


Copyright (C) 2002 by Dietmar Hoelscher and DrImp
