Problems with the image flashing

Normally the flashing of a new image is no problem, simply klick on the Image flashen Button of the Bootmanager, start the Dbox and a few Minutes later it is done.

Sometimes there are problems to flash an new image, here are some workarounds to do this.


Pay attention to functioning network.
Use the newest drivers for your nic.
If the box is connected with the PC directly, the best setting for your NIC would be 10Mbit half-duplex.
With Win2000 or XP you should turn of the DHCP-mediasensing.
Here is a Discription to turn it of. Alternatively can you this Patch.
Afterwards the computer must be restarted.

There is "Kein System" in the LCD after Flashing

Probably you flashed a wrong image. The image you have to flash depends on the number of Flash chips in your box.
For the Sagem with 1xIntel Flash you need an image with the designation 1x
For all other boxes you need a 2x Image.

In the log the following message appears:

debug: Transmitting BOOTP request via broadcast
debug: Given UP BOOTP/TFTP boot
boot net failed

That means that your NIC did not answer on the BOOTP Request of the Dbox.
There are several causes and also several workarounds.
Do not plug of the box, do a reset (press standy and arrow-up at the box at the same time till the LCD becomes dark).
Keep pressed the arrow-up Key, this will release a memory-check and the box stops with a prompt in the serial console.
There type in boot net and press enter.
If none of the workarounds will help, you can try this method, perhaps ist will work.



Further assistance

For problems you can visit the forum.
Or visit the IRC Channel # dbox2. As server you can use or another server from icrnet.


Copyright (C) 2002 by Dietmar Hoelscher and DrImp
